Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 13/9/2024

Issue 18 of 2024     

13th September 2024


Dates to Remember

Monday 16 September – Woden Seniors Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 25 September – the Club will share an information stall with Canberra Seniors and Tuggeranong 55 Plus Clubs at  COTA’s ACT Seniors and Better Ageing Expo at the Old Bus Depot building, Kingston

Sunday 6 October – Daylight Saving starts

Monday 7 October – Labour Day Public Holiday – Club will be closed



Tessa Bowles, Senior Consultant, Group Security Culture and Advisory from the National Australia Bank . presented a number of extremely helpful tips to help avoid becoming a victim of online scams and scammers.    

 Some of the scams discussed included, investment scams, invoice and financial scams, romance scams, phishing scams and remote access scams.   

Being aware of how scams may operate, helps us all  to proceed with caution before responding to online requests.  

If you attended the webinar we hope you found it useful and enjoyed it.  If you weren’t able to attend, we are pleased to be able to share this webinar with you so you can also benefit from Tessa’s expertise and practical tips. Hopefully, this will give you some knowledge and confidence to help you protect yourself from scammers and their tactics.  

 Please CLICK HERE to watch the SCAM Awareness webinar or read a summary of the tips to keep us safe online. 

                A group of people sitting in chairs

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Twenty members came into the Club on the day of the SCAMS Awareness Webinar to watch it on the new TV.  If you missed the Webinar, or would like to review the presentation and see more tips on staying safe online, the paragraph above tells you how to do so.

Many thanks to Richard Henderson for helping us set up and screen the Webinar.





Many thanks to Jane and Grahame who sourced the donation of and delivered these really excellent chairs.  They replace a couple of old and worn (and not user-friendly) armchairs.  Their arrival sparked a re-arrangement of the foyer and its contents and it is now newly attractive and welcoming- thanks Jennifer!




Jenny Gregory


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606 Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au        








At COTA ACT, we strive to make tax season stress-free with the help of the ATO’s Tax Help program.

This program allows anyone with simple financial affairs who earn $60,000 or less to get their tax return lodged free of charge between August and October every year. tthere are many factors to consider if you are endeavouring to lodge your taxes yourself, without the help of a professional tax advisor or accountant. While you might experience challenges related to changes in tax law, technology barriers or tax software or a health issue that might make it more difficult for you to lodge your tax
return yourself, there are services available that can make this process easier for you.


COTA ACT’s accredited tax volunteer can help you lodge your tax returns online. They can also help you with:

 creating a myGov account
 lodging an amendment to your tax return
 claiming a refund of franking credits
 tell us if you don’t need to lodge a tax return.


To access this service, you must:

 Earn $60,000 or less per annum

And you must not:

 Run a business, including as a sole trader
 Work as a contractor – for example contract cleaner, taxi or uber driver
 Have partnership or trust matters
 Sell shares or an investment property
 Own a rental property
 Have capital gains tax (CGT)
 Receive royalties
 Receive distributions from a trust, other than a managed fund
 Receive foreign income, that is not a foreign pension or annuity

If you are not eligible for Tax Help with COTA ACT, you can contact the ANU Tax Clinic, which is available to individuals, small businesses, not-for-profit organisations and charities.

ANU Tax Clinic:
6125 4853

Book your appointment today

COTA ACT offers Tax Help on Thursdays from the 8th August to the 31st October at our COTA ACT office in the Hughes Community Centre. You can book a 1 hour appointment with our excellent Tax Help advisors today by calling (02) 6282 3777.



Thanks to Grahame for these…….


When one door closes and another door opens, you are probably in prison.

To me, “drink responsibly” means don’t spill it.

Age 60 might be the new 40, but 9.00pm is the new midnight.

The older I get, the earlier it gets late.

I remember being able to get up without making sound effects.

I had my patience tested.  I’m negative.

When you ask me what I am doing today and I say “nothing”, it does not mean that I am free.  It means that I am doing nothing.

I don’t mean to interrupt people.  I just randomly remember things and get really excited.


And a double dose this week – this one from Al – thanks!


Two patients limp into two different medical clinics with the same complaint.  Both have trouble walking and appear to require a hip replacement. 

The FIRST patient is examined within the hour, is x-rayed the same day and has a time booked for surgery the following week.

The SECOND sees his family doctor after waiting for 3 weeks for an appointment, waits 8 weeks to see a specialist, gets an x-ray which isn’t reviewed for another week and finally has his surgery scheduled for 6 months from then.

Why the different treatment for the two patients?


The FIRST is a Golden Retriever.

The SECOND is a Senior Citizen.



Fortnightly News 30/8/2024

Issue 17 of 2024     

30th August 2024

Dates to Remember

Monday 16 September – Woden Seniors Annual General Meeting

Friday 30 August – COTA Webinar

Wednesday 25 September – the Club will share an information stall (along with Canberra and Tuggeranong Seniors) at  COTA’s ACT Seniors and Better Ageing Expo at the Old Bus Depot building, Kingston


  Date:       Monday 16 September 2024

   Time:      12.00 pm

   Place:      Hall 1

A quorum of members is required for the AGM to proceed;  we encourage everyone who can come along to please do so.  The meeting is short… and there will be sandwiches and cake to follow.


A reminder that only financial members are eligible to vote at the AGM.  And whether or not you plan to attend the AGM, please do check with Polly if you are unsure if your membership (and car parking if applicable) is current. 


Thanks to everyone who has helped with making soup and especially to everyone who has bought a soup lunch during the past few months.

Money raised from this activity will go to subsidising the cost of the Club’s annual Christmas Lunch – and yes, we are planning to repeat last year’s very successful format!!

The soup-makers are ready for a rest, and so the final soup lunch day for this year will be two weeks from now, Monday 9th September.



    A group of women sitting on a bench

Description automatically generated     A group of birds on a wire

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Jenny Gregory


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606 Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au        




I am working with Wounds Australia, a peak health care organisation, to assist with their big annual event – Wound Awareness Week (www.woundaware.org).  

I am reaching out to contact the local organisations to invite members, family, volunteers and supporters to a National Press Club lunch with Professor Fiona Wood AM (former Australian of the Year, medical researcher and National Living Treasure).

 As part of the week, Professor Wood (our national ambassador) is appearing at the National Press Club (16 National Circuit, Barton) next Tuesday. She will be speaking about healthcare and wound policy for key cohorts of people, with a special focus on the 60+ age group.


 We have set aside complimentary seats for local organisations, and would love Woden Seniors members to join us.The complimentary tickets include a three course meal and drinks, as well as the speech and Q&A session you would be familiar with from televised addresses.


If you are interested in attending, please contact me, Kel Watt by email – kel@wattadvocacy.com





Nicknames for people you may have met at work….

Wicket Keeper – puts on the gloves and stands back

Harvey Norman – 3 years no interest

Sensor Light – only works if someone walks past

Blister – appears after the work is done

Lantern – not very bright and has to be carried

Deck Chair – folds under pressure

Perth – three hours behind everyone else

Bushranger – holds everyone up

Wheelbarrow – only works when pushed

Cordless – charges all night but only works for 2 hours



Fortnightly News 16/8/2024

Issue 16 of 2024     

16th August 2024


Dates to Remember


Monday 16 September – Woden Seniors AGM


Wednesday 25 September – the Club will share an information stall (along with Canberra and Tuggeranong Seniors) at  COTA’s ACT Seniors and Better Ageing Expo at the Old Bus Depot building, Kingston







2024 Annual General Meeting


   Date:       Monday 16 September 2024


   Time:      12.00 pm


   Place:      Hall 1


Members wishing to bring business before the meeting must submit it in writing, in the form of a motion, to the Office by close of business on Monday 2nd September.


Nominations for the Executive Committee must be on the prescribed form, giving the consent of the candidate and signed by two members of the Club. Completed  nomination forms must be handed in to the Office by close of business on Monday 9th September.  Forms are available at the Office.


Light refreshments will be served following the meeting. 


A quorum of members is required for the AGM to proceed;  we encourage everyone who can come along to please do so.  The meeting is short… and there will be cake.





Jenny Gregory


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606 Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au        






Woden Library Temporary Closure Update



The temporary closure of Woden Library has been extended due to unforeseen circumstances in relation to the upgrade works. Woden Library will remain closed until early November 2024.

During the upgrade works asbestos was found in the building structure. The use of bonded asbestos in a building of its age is not uncommon and, as it was sealed and undisturbed while the library was in operation, it did not pose a safety hazard to the community. This has significantly delayed progress on site and means the upgrade works are behind schedule.The temporary Woden Pop-Up Library at 26 Corinna Street in Phillip will remain open for the duration of the extended closure. Its opening hours are Monday to Friday, 10 am to 5.30 pm and Saturdays 10 am to 2 pm.

You can keep up to date on information relating to this closure by visiting www.library.act.gov.au or via our social media channels.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we look forward to welcoming you back when we reopen.

Thank you.

Libraries ACT | library.customerinfo@act.gov.au | 02 6205 9000






Has someone tried to scam you? Or have you actually been the victim of a scam?

Scams and cyber crime are a scourge that has grown in recent years and is disproportionately impacting older Australians.With that in mind, COTA Australia will host a webinar presented by NAB’s Group Security team to help you identify the signs of potential scams, provide advice on what to do if you think you’ve been scammed and offer tips on staying more secure online.

The session, to be held on Friday, August 30, 2024, at 12pm (AEST), will cover: how to spot the common scams that impact older people, such as investment scams, remote-access scams and romance scams; how to avoid them; scenarios and the actions you should take; and ways to be more secure online.

The webinar will run for one hour, with around 45 minutes of content and 15 minutes for questions and answers. NAB’s Group Security team has invested a huge amount of time and resources into this problem area, so it promises to be a very useful and highly informative session.

To register, click the either the button below or the one in the image at the top of this email and enter your details. You will receive a reminder email closer to the time.

The webinar will be set up so that you aren’t visible on screen and you will be muted until such time as you choose to ask a question. You can also ask a question in writing via the Q&A function by typing in the relevant box on the screen.

We would encourage you to join and take advantage of the experience and expertise of people working at the coal face of this burgeoning problem.



Scams Awareness Webinar: Click here to register





Today’s PS:

Ron has blamed a friend for sending him these!


They say 40 is the new 30 and 50 is the new 40, but all I know is, the older I get, 9PM is the new midnight


Be grateful that no matter how much chocolate you eat, your earrings will still fit


You know when you buy a bag of salad and it turns all brown and soggy?

Cookies don’t do that


Don’t tell secrets in the garden.

The potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears and the beanstalk







Fortnightly News 2/8/2024

Issue 15 of 2024     

2nd August 2024

Dates to Remember

Monday 16 September – early advice of the date of the Club’s 2024 AGM

Wednesday 25 September – the Club will share an information stall (along with Canberra and Tuggeranong Seniors) at             COTA’s ACT Seniors and Better Ageing Expo at the Old Bus Depot building, Kingston



One of the three main teams working every week to sort, categorise, clean, pack and store donated books in preparation for the 2025 Big Book Fair.  Definitely a social activity as well as making an enormous contribution to the Club’s financial well-being.

The teams are looking for some extra help with moving and storing boxes of books.  Once packed, the books are stored in either the storeroom or in the shipping container and some help with trolleying them to and fro would be really appreciated.  If you have some time – and a few muscles – available, on a regular or semi-regular basis, Judy Henderson would love to hear from you and show you what is involved.  Judy is in the book sorting area on Monday afternoons between 2 and 4 pm.


We are planning another order for Club name badges – as below


The cost is $11.50 for a badge with a magnetic back, or $10.50 for one with a pin fastening.  Please let Polly know asap if you would like to order one.


           A card with balloons on it

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Jenny Gregory


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606 Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au        




Scratch for Seniors at CIT Tuggeranong for National Science Week!

As part of National Science Week, which runs from August 10 – 18, the Australian Government is again supporting creative computing workshops for seniors using Scratch.

Aimed at people over 55 years of age, the workshops will let you unleash your imagination to produce amazing, colourful, musical, moving creations, that can be shared with anyone. It’s fabulous for keeping the brain active and all you have to know to get started is how to use a mouse.

Two free workshops, with lunch provided, will be held at CIT Tuggeranong from 10am to 1pm on August 10 and 17, but registration is essential.

To register for one of these workshops, please visit:

https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/957232116027 (for Aug 10) or https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/957237401837 (for Aug 17)
or email: u1518303@anu.edu.au.


Thanks to Cindy for finding this one.

If you have ever been in a choir, this will strike a note….

The Alto’s Lament

It’s tough to be an Alto when you’re singing in the Choir

The Sopranos get the twiddly bits that people all admire

The basses boom like trombones while the Tenors shout with glee

But the Alto part is on two notes, or if they’re lucky, three.


And when we sing an anthem and we lift our hearts with praises

The men get all the juicy bits and the telling little phrases

Of course the Trebles sing in tune and always come off best

The Altos only get three notes and twenty-two bars rest.


We practice very hard each week from Hymn Book and the Psalter

But when the leader looks at us our voices start to falter

“Too high” he says, “Too low, too fast!  You held that note too long!”

It doesn’t matter what we do, it’s certain to be wrong.


Oh, shed a tear for Altos, they’re the martyrs, and they know

In the ranks of choral singers, they’re considered very low

They are so very humble that a lot of folk forget ‘em

How they’d love to be Sopranos, but the vocal chords won’t let ‘em.


And when the final trumpet sounds and we are wafted higher

The Sopranos, Basses, Tenors – they’ll be in the Heavenly Choir

While they sing “Alleluia” to celestial flats and sharps

The Altos will be occupied with polishing the harps.


(This poem was found stuffed behind the vestry door at All Saints

Church, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield, UK.)


Fortnightly News 19/7/2024

Issue 14 of 2024     

19th July 2024


Dates to Remember

Tuesday 30 July – Re-scheduled Club Committee Meeting

and a scary thought – we are closer to next Christmas than to last Christmas.



Preparations are well underway for our next Book Fair which will be on 4, 5 and 6 April 2025.  Donations are coming in steadily.


We are always keen to involve more members in this activity. If you are interested in getting involved on a regular basis pop into the veranda on a Monday afternoon (between 2 pm and 4 pm) to talk to Judy and see what we do.


CRAFT GROUP – Thursdays 10.00-12.00



I think the smiling faces tell it all.  Knitting, crochet, stitching, paper crafts and more…. creative fun and of course the odd cake turns up for morning tea.

       (Fahrenheit of course)


Jenny Gregory


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606 Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au   


And today’s wisdom:      A logo of a smiley face Description automatically generated


1. Borrow money from pessimists – they won’t expect it back.

2. Half the people you know are below average.

3.A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

4.  99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

5.  Hard work pays off in the future;  laziness pays off now.

6.  Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.

7.  What happens if you get scared to death twice?

8.  When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.

9. How do you tell when you’re out of invisible ink?

10. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.

11.  82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

12.  The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Fortnightly News 5/7/2024

Issue 13 of 2024     

5th July 2024


Dates to Remember


Monday  8 to Friday  20 July – ACT School Holidays;  unless your activity leader/s have advised otherwise, normal Club activities will be on as usual.

Tuesdy 16 July – Club Committee Meeting


In case you missed it….


              A website page with a couple of people

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I asked Gail to write a few lines about their long involvement at Woden Seniors…..


 ‘Santo & Gail Giuliano joined the Woden Seniors Club in 1989 and over the following 35 years have been very involved in the Club’s activities. Gail’s mother was a keen mahjong player and was a member for a number of years and the ACT Square Dance Society was, at the time looking for a venue to hold dances, and the club was available. Towards the end of 1990 Santo had some health problems and so decided to “take a package” and get out of full time work.  His involvement in the club led to him taking up old time dancing – an activity which he eventually took over as leader until the last few years when health issues again intervened! Also he and Gail conducted the Moon Spinners Round Dance Club on Friday and Sunday nights for many years. 

Gail had continued working but in 1997 she also left work and joined the choir at the club – and she is still singing to this day! Over the years Santo did a stint as President – and Gail was Secretary for many years.  In the early days – before we we were able to emply an Administration Officer – the committee members shared the job of manning the office. Santo also was the “odd’ job man’ and generally looked after the sound system. They were also involved in fund-raising-raffles, mini fetes and the like until our major source of extra income,  the Book Fair got under way.

Sadly Santo now has limited mobility and is unable to even visit these days but on any Monday morning you will find Gail waving her arms around wildly in an attempt to keep the choir on the right note!

P.S. Gail is very proud of the choir. They are a wonderful, happy bunch of people who support each other so well. They also go out every week for residents in Nursing Homes or Senior Groups – such good P.R. for our Club.


Thanks for that Gail, and thanks to you both for such sustained and valuable service to the Club. 


Winter is here


During these cold months, don’t forget that the Club is a warm and welcoming place to spend some quality time.  Come for the activity of your choice, or maybe try something new?  Or members are welcome to drop in at any time for a cuppa and sit down.  There are books to borrow in the Anne Murray Room, and a community jigsaw always seems to be on the go!


That said, we are being warned that new variants of Covid are popping up regularly so please don’t come to the Club if you are experiencing any cold or ‘flu-like symptoms.


A special visitor


         A person giving a thumbs up

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If you have been at the Club this week you may have met up with Reilly Yuen, a Y12 student at Lake Ginninderra College who has been doing a week-long work experience placement with us.  Reilly has enthusiastically joined in Club activities and spent much time talking to members and learning about what we do at the Club.  She also helped a few of us with the endless challenge of using our mobile phones!!


Thanks Reilly, you have been a ray of sunshine and thank you to Polly for mentoring Reilly and showing by example what a great Club administration officer does.  (And thanks to Sue Barratt for the loan of your gorgeous granddaughter.)


Keeping warm !!


An innovation this year has been the beginners line dancing group led by Ann Roberts.  I think the picture speaks for itself.  They look to be having so much fun and have made so much progress in such a short time.


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A sun and a cartoon of words

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Jenny Gregory


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au        




And to conclude:


Perks of being over 60:


 Kidnappers are not very interested in you
 In a hostage situation, you are likely to be released first
 No one expects you to run – anywhere
 People no longer view you as a hypochondriac
 There is nothing left to learn the hard way
 Things you buy now won’t wear out
 You can eat dinner at 4 pm
 Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size





Fortnightly News 21/6/2024

Issue 12 of 2024     

21 June 2024




Mindfulness and Meditation sessions


Cathy Mauk has led a number of our members in the practices of mindfulness and meditation over the past two years and is proposing a new series of six weekly sessions to begin on Tuesday 2nd July, 10.30 am – 11.45am.


We are privileged to have someone of Cathy’s experience and qualifications making herself available to run these mornings which cover a variety of topics and everyone who has taken part in the past has commented on their value.


Please let Polly know by Friday 27 June if you are interested joining us for this series, new people are very welcome as well as returning participants.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions on this.


Thursday Afternoon Games     


Sadly, due to falling numbers (to almost zero!) we will no longer offer the cards and games activity on Thursday afternoons.  A similar activity on Monday afternoons is very well attended, so we are assuming that the Thursday time slot doesn’t suit. 

This means that the Anne Murray Room is available for something else on Thursdays.  Any suggestions?


The foyer chairs


Members will know that the armchairs in the foyer are old, in some cases very worn, very heavy and too low for ease of use.  Are you or anyone you know in the process of downsizing?  We are looking for medium sized comfortable chairs (not necessarily matching) in good condition and would be glad to have a look at them and if suitable, give them a new home!!


     A white sign with black text

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Jenny Gregory                                                                        


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au        




Thanks to B and J for these!!


A student received 0% on his test – surely it should have been 100%.  Each answer is grammatically correct, and funny too.  His teacher obviously did not have a sense of humour.


Q1.. In which battle did Napoleon die? 
*His last battle.

Q2.. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? 
*At the bottom of the page.

Q3.. River Ravi flows in which state? 

Q4.. What is the main reason for divorce? 

Q5.. What is the main reason for failure? 

Q6.. What can you never eat for breakfast? 
*Lunch & dinner.

Q7.. What looks like half an apple? 
*The other half.

Q8.. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea, what will it become? 

Q9.. How can a man go eight days without sleeping? 
*No problem, he sleeps at night.

Q10. How can you lift an elephant with one hand? 
*You will never find an elephant that has one hand. 

 Q11. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand
and four apples and three oranges in other hand, what would you have?

*Very large hands.

Q12. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall,
how long would it take four men to build it?

*No time at all, the wall is already built.

Q13. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?
*Any way you want, concrete floors are very hard to crack.




Fortnightly News 7/6/2024

Issue 11 of 2024     

7 June 2024





Monday 10 June – King’s Birthday Public Holiday …. Club will be closed.

Tuesday 18 June – Club Committee Meeting





Heads down and thinking hats on – Wednesday afternoons see the Mah Jong enthusiasts hard at it!

Come along on any Wednesday if you are interested in becoming a part of this group.




Cartoon of an old person in a chair with a mug and a white speech bubble Description automatically generated    A cartoon hippo and a cake Description automatically generated


Jenny Gregory                                                                        


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au        






A movie poster of two men Description automatically generated



More from Ron’s archive….


A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.


If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.


Inside every older person is a younger person wondering “What the hell happened?”.


If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event,

what kind of film would you use?


I’ve learnt so much from my mistakes, I’m thinking of making a few more.


I love it when people get mad and speed past me only to end up at the same set of traffic lights.




Fortnightly News 24/5/2024

Issue 10 of 2024     

24 May 2024




Monday 27 May – Reconciliation Day Public Holiday, Club will be closed.

Monday 10 June – King’s Birthday Public Holiday -…. Club will be closed.

And… between Tuesday 11 June and late December – only ONE Public Holiday !!






A Club service that many members may not know of is the lending library.  This is in the Anne Murray room and members can simply select a book or books to take home, read, enjoy and return when finished.  The lovely people who process the books donated for the Book Fair regularly refresh the lending library, taking away books that have been on the shelf for some time and replacing them with others.


A bookshelf with many books and pictures

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The first couple of weeks of Monday soup lunches have been very enjoyable according those who have participated, and are planned to continue during the cold months.


As well as being a nice way to spend some time with friends, the proceeds from soup sales are being used for some very useful items for the Club.  Last year we raised enough money to not only heavily subsidise the Christmas lunch but also to replace much of the old, heavy plates and bowls and very dilapidated cutlery with new and modern items.


See you there soon and we’d especially like to hear from anyone who would like to help out by making a soup or two.



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Jenny Gregory                                                                        


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au        




Couldn’t resist this one….


A white text on a black background

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Fortnightly News 10/5/2024

Issue 09 of 2024     

10 May 2024



Friday 17 May – new Club av system information/training session – see below

Tuesday 21 May – next Club Committee Meeting 2.00pm

Monday 27 May – Reconciliation Day Public Holiday, Club will be closed





This coming Monday, 13th May,  will be our first soup day for the year.  Each Monday after our Tai Chi and Gentle Exercise class ends at 1.00pm, we serve home-made soup and bread to all who would like to partake!  For the cost of an activity voucher you can eat in or take some home in a container to enjoy later.  As an added bonus, all money raised from soup sales goes to the Club –including most enjoyably to support the Club Christmas Lunch extravaganza.

See you for a Monday soup lunch soon.

Sue and Jenny.




Group activity leaders (and anyone else interested) is invited to be at the Club on Friday 17th May at 12.15 pm to find out what can be done with our new system and how it can be done.  The provider of the system is also preparing a clear and comprehensive guide for us to give to potential users.




A message from Libraries ACT


Dear Woden Seniors,


I wish to inform you that the Woden Library will be closed to the public from Wednesday 8 May until mid-August 2024 for upgrade works.


During this time, we will be upgrading the toilet facilities on the ground floor and the heating and cooling systems, as well as undertaking other improvement work to make the library an even more comfortable place space. The transition from gas to electric is being completed as part of the ACT Government Electrification of Government Gas Assets Program.  Unfortunately, due to the significant noise and construction impacts associated with the work, a full closure  of the library branch has been deemed necessary for safety reasons.


A temporary pop-up library will be operating from 26 Corinna Street, Phillip (behind Chemist Warehouse) from Monday to Friday, 10am to 5.30pm.  At this temporary location you will be able to collect book club and personal reservations, return items and take part in programs such as Story Time, Giggle and Wiggle, Geri-Fit, and English Conversation classes.  The return chutes outside the Library building will be available for returning books during the period of the closure.


For more information on the services available during the closure, visit www.library.act.gov.au.  Libraries ACT apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we look forward to welcoming you back when we re-open in Mid-August.




While we try to ensure that all members receive a reminder when their membership and parking payments are due, some do slip through the system!  Please check your renewal date – Polly can help with this if needed.



   A group of birds with text

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Jenny Gregory                                                                        


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au        




Today’s advice column:


Things to Live By

A balanced diet is a muffin in each hand.
Middle age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist change places.
Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.
Junk is something you’ve kept for years and throw away three weeks before you need it.
There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.
Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.
Someone who thinks logically provides nice contrast to the real world.
If you had to identify in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved its full potential, that word would be “meetings.”
There is a very fine line between “hobby” and mental illness. 

