Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 7/12/2018

Club Closing Times for the Festive Season

The Club will close at 4pm on Friday 21 December 2018 and re-open on Monday 14 January 2019. Activity groups can continue to use the Club through this period by arrangement with the front office. We wish you a happy an safe festive season.

Bridge Classes

Final class for the year is on Monday 26 November at 1.30 pm.

Classes for all levels (including Beginners) resume on Monday 4th February at 1.30 pm.

The WOW Art Group

The Watercolour on Wednesday Art Group has an exhibition of members’ paintings in the foyer and the Anne Murray Room. Many of the paintings have been marked down for sale and 15% of the sale price is donated to the club. Come in and view the display and perhaps find that special Christmas gift.

Donations of non-perishable food for Drought Stricken Farmers

We have a box in the Club foyer for donations of non-perishable food for distribution to drought stricken farmers in New South Wales.


The Club has applied for a grant for 2 raised garden beds in which to plant various herbs and greens. We are planning to form a Garden Activity Group to install and maintain these self-watering beds. We also want to improve the surrounds of the club by designing & developing and planting out areas around the club. Anyone interested in being part of this please leave your name & contact with Polly & we will follow up.

Woden Seniors Book Club

The Book Club meets in the Anne Murray Room at 10:30am on the last Friday of the month.

Last meeting for the year Friday 21 December: Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Strout;

ACT Waste Management website

This is a very useful website for information on household and recycling collections. It has an amazing A-Z of recycling for how to dispose of anything safely. For example did you know you can leave paint and gas bottles for free at Mugga Lane and Mitchell? https://www.tccs.act.gov.au/recycling-and-waste

Justice of the Peace

You will find Maureen in the Club on Tuesdays & Thursdays between 10.30am and 2pm for Justice of the Peace matters.