Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 6/6/2014

Tai Chi and Gentle Exercise

Wednesday morning 7.30-8.30am and Thursday afternoon 2.00-3.30pm each week.

Soup Kitchen

Desperately seeking a person to help coordinate the soup kitchen on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please contact Polly 6282 2573 in the office if you can help.

Don’t Drive, but want to get out and about?

COTA ACT is now providing a FREE travel assistance service for older people living in Canberra who want to get out and about more but aren’t familiar with the transport options available, are not sure how to get around physical limitations, or lack confidence.

The service is free and can provide a trained, police-checked volunteer who can discuss transport options with you, help you address barriers like confidence or health limitation, and explore what Canberra has to offer seniors.

 The volunteer can also travel with you until you’re ready to go on your own. There’s so much to see and do – and COTA can help you get there.

Ring COTA on 6282 3777 to find out more.

Musical Theatre Memories

Hear songs from your favourite musicals with the U3A Warrani Chorale featured soloists.

The U3A Warrani Chorale are a group of senior women who enjoy singing in four part harmony with a variety of songs from ballads to light classical.    They are presenting a concert of well-known songs from the musicals – West Side Story, The Merry Widow, Les Miserables, Chess and the Sound of Music.

What:        Warrani Chorale – Musical Theatre Memories

When:       Wednesday 18 June 2014 from 10.30 am to 12 Noon

Where:      Weston Creek Uniting Church

                16 Parkinson St, Weston Creek

Cost:         Admission by gold coin donation

                 Light refreshment included!


Driving, Aging, Safety, Health Study – ANU

Would you like to be involved in a study that aims to develop fairer and safer driving standards for older adults in Australia?

We are seeking drivers aged 65 or older to participate. We are especially interested in people with mild concerns about their memory.

What is involved?

  • Healthanddrivingquestionnaires
  • Lab-based and on- road driving assessment
  • Keeping an injury diary
  • Follow up phone calls

 Information collected will only be used for research and will not impact on your current driver’s license.

 For information on how to get involved please contact Stephanie Sabadason (02) 6125 1457, or crahw.dash@anu.edu.au.

 This study has been approved by the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee, protocol: 2012/643

 Silver Screen Film Festival

The ‘Silver Screenings’ Film Program runs at 2pm on Friday afternoons through to early October 2014, at the Arc Cinema of the National Film and Sound Archive, Ellery Circuit in Acton.

Silver Screenings aims to provide a quality cinema experience for mature audiences, within a fully accessible cinema at an affordable price – just $6 per person.

Many of the films selected for the Silver Screenings Film Program are recent cinema releases that have received critical acclaim and considerable box office success.

2pm Friday 13 June – The Railway Man (2013, M)

Dir: Jonathan Teplitzky, Aust./UK, 116mins

Burma Death Railway survivor Eric Lomax managed his grim wartime memories by sublimating them into his postwar career as a railway engineer. Love came late in his life, but also forced Lomax into the necessity of confronting the past and one of his Japanese captors.

2pm Friday 20 June – Good ‘Ol Freida (2013, G)

Dir: Ryan White, UK/USA, 85mins, digital

In the 2000s newly retired, 64-something Liverpool legal secretary Frieda Kelly grew a bit tired of her grandkids thinking boring ‘ol Gran hadn’t done anything interesting in her life. The time seemed ripe to tell them stories of when she was just 17 and loved going down to The Cavern to see the Merseybeat bands.

From that comes this delightful and self-deprecating story of how one young normal British teen got the job of looking after the biggest music act in the world.

More information is available on the Arc Cinema website at http://nfsa.gov.au/calendar or by contacting the Arc Cinema booking office on 6248 2000.

 Spiral Program Talks

Spiral talks commence at 10 am to Noon on most Thursday mornings at St. James Uniting Church, Curtin.

12 June JordanKellyand Liz de Totth

Jordan is the director and Liz is one of the performers in the next Repertory production, Showtune.

Showtune opens on June 20 and runs through until July 5.

“Put on your Sunday best and enjoy this toe-tapping revue celebrating the work of Jerry Herman, composer and lyricist for some of Broadway’s greatest shows”.

19 JuneDrHugh Craft  

Hughwasthe President of the Royal Commonwealth Society in Canberra for many years. He has recently stepped down from this position.

The RCS is the oldest international non-government organization in the Commonwealth of Nations having existed in various forms since the 19th century.

Spiral talks are commence at 10am on most Thursday mornings at…….

Book Fair – Friday 8 to Sunday 10 August 2014

Why are we doing this!  I hear you ask.  To raise money to pay for refurbishing Hall 1 – repair and painting, new PA system to meet new legislative requirements and possibly installing a hearing loop.

 But also, because it is a good idea.  I don’t know about you, but until recently I have tended to hold onto novels that I’ve read, whereas really, the best place for a book you have finished reading is in someone else’s hands.

 So why not let Margaret and her Monday morning helpers sensitively triage your books through to other readers.  We will also be selling cakes, jams and other goodies and offering morning and afternoon tea.  We might also have a bit of singing.

 Thank you to all those that have already dropped books off at the Club.