Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 6/7/2018

BIG Book Fair – time to get serious!!

The BIG Book Fair is only five weeks away so it is time to get serious about distributing posters and bookmarks and telling your friends and families.

  • Polly has hundreds of posters for distribution so pick up some soon and put them on poster silos (the big concrete structure outside at many shopping centres), notice boards or in the windows of friendly shop keepers.
  • Take some bookmarks to hand out to members of groups you attend, or to leave for people to pick up in prominent places, or put in letterboxes.

Watch this space in the next Fortnightly News for details about the ways you can help, before, during and at the end of the Book Fair. We will need a range of volunteers to empty the container and move boxes, to help in the kitchen, to work on the front desk, to keep the book tables in order, to work on the checkout, and to pack up at the end.

Recipes from Nutrition Australia (ACT)

We were fortunate to have Nutrition Australia (ACT) and some University of Canberra Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics students give us a short and informative session on nutrition and healthy ageing recently.

If you are looking for inspiration on nutrition check out the ACT Nutrition Support Service Recipes Page http://www.actnss.org/home/recipes/ .


A Scrabble group meets on Monday afternoons from 2.00 – 4.00 pm in the Dining Room next to hall 1. Drop in if you feel like a game.

Woden Seniors Book Club

The Book Club meets in the Anne Murray Room at 10:30am on the last Friday of the month.

Next meeting will be on Friday 27 July to discuss ‘The Lake House’ by Kat Morton.

Friday 31 August: The People Smuggler by Robin Crespigny;

Friday 28 September: The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Roy Arundhati

Friday 26 October: Aunts Up The Cross by Robin Dalton;

Friday 30 November: From Lands of Green Ghosts by Pascal Khoo Thwe;

Friday 21 December: Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Strout;

Newcomers always welcome.

Club Events for 2018

Save the dates!

Book Fair 10 – 12 August 10.00 am – 4.00 pm

AGM Monday 17 September

Seniors Concert Sunday 21 October

Melbourne Cup Tuesday 6 November

Christmas Party Friday 7 December

ACT Waste Management website

This is a very useful website for information on household and recycling collections. It has an amazing A-Z of recycling for how to dispose of anything safely. For example did you know you can leave paint and gas bottles for free at Mugga Lane and Mitchell? https://www.tccs.act.gov.au/recycling-and-waste


Spiral is a group of senior citizens (60+ to 90+) that meet each Thursday morning, they are non-denominational with people from varied backgrounds, occupations and origins. The Spiral Photo Album gives a good sense of who they are and what they do. There are no fees but a $1 contribution to costs is requested. Spiral is seeking new members, helpers and guest speakers. You are not obliged to come every week and you can come for the talk and/or the morning tea. Any questions or suggestions please contact me or one of the other people on the list below.

Location: The Uniting Church in Gillies Street, Curtin.

When: Thursday morning.

Time: Speakers will commence at 10.10 and most will join us for the morning tea that will follow.

July 12 Nola Anderson “A Passion For Glass: the life and work of Klaus Moje”

Klaus Moje is widely regarded as Australia’s most important and influential glass artist. He has made beautiful and inspiring glass objects that are collected around the world. Nola Anderson, recently Chair of the Canberra Glassworks, is writing a biography of Klaus’s work and will talk about his work and the role of the Canberra Glassworks.

July 19 Matthew Higgins ‘What a high! Three decades of exploring our mountain country’

Matthew Higgins is a Canberra historian, writer, speaker and photographer, who has worked for many of our national cultural institutions. His work on the original survey of the ACT-NSW Border won a heritage award in 1997. Matthew’s 2009 book, Rugged beyond Imagination: Stories from an Australian Mountain Region, was shortlisted for the ACT Book of the Year Award. His first novel Seeing Through Snow was launched at the National Library of Australia last September, and his new book about the high country, Bold Horizon, was launched at NLA on Wednesday 11 April this year. He has been writing articles for The Canberra Times since 1984. Matthew has been bushwalking and skiing the high country for over 30 years.

July 26 Frances McGee A tribute to Manuka Pool swimmers

Frances, a member of the Canberra and District Historical Society, will talk about the research she has done on nine Canberrans who enlisted during the Second World War. All were swimmers at Manuka Pool, none of them came back.

Justice of the Peace

You will find Maureen in Club on Tuesdays & Thursdays between 10.30am and 2pm for Justice of the Peace matters.