Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 5/7/2013

News UpdateTalk
The Monday afternoon Beading Group is having a guest speaker, Lex Sorrentino, on 22 July 2013 at 1.30 pm in the Anne Murray Room.

Lex teaches Polymer Clay Sculpting, Polymer Canes/Beads, Air-Dry Clay Sculpting, Paverpol Garden Sculpture and Precious Metal Clay Silver.

If any other members would like to attend they are most welcome.

ABC’s 7.30 Report
The ABC’s 7.30 Report (Canberra Edition) made a program at the Club on the Recorder Orchestra that you can find on the internet at:


Just click on the arrow in the little black box, in the middle of the central recorder on screen, and the clip will begin.  But it will not be there forever so make haste.

Woden/Weston Community Hub Feasibility Study
The ACT Department of Housing and Community Services has engaged consultants Colin Stewart, Sean Hogan and Claire Middleton to undertake a feasibility study into the development of a community hub to be located in either Woden or Weston Creek. The community hub may consist of a community centre, a child-care centre and a seniors’ centre.

Sites being considered for a future community hub include the existing Woden Community Centre and Lollipop Childcare centre; Callam Offices and other sites in Woden and Weston.  An option to be considered is incorporating one or more of the facilities as part of a commercial development.

Consultations are underway with key stakeholder community organisations, including: Woden Community Services; Woden Seniors; Weston Creek’s Community Association and Community Council and Woden Valley Community Council.  There will also be broader community consultations, possibly in our Club premises.

The Club’s management Committee met with the consultants earlier in the week, key issues discussed included the positive attributes of the existing premises; the 3 most important challenges if there is an opportunity to make changes; what is critical for the ongoing viability of Woden Seniors and what would motivate Woden Seniors to become part of a multi-purpose, intergenerational facility.

We will keep you informed of further developments in this area.

Bunnings’ Sausage Sizzle – Sunday 11 August 2013
The Club is running the sausage sizzle stall at Bunnings in Fyshwick on Sunday 11 August from 8.30am to 4pm.  We already have some volunteers to cook, serve or manage money in 2 hour shifts, but could use some more.

We also need some esky’s, especially very large ones to hold the drinks and sausages.  If you can help please let Polly know.

Membership Renewals
Please ensure your membership is up to date.