Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 4/7/2014

Carpet Bowls
Wednesday afternoons from 12.00pm to 1.30pm each week.

Bridge Lessons
Bridge lessons for Beginners are starting in August. No prior experience required. Please contact Margaret Kennedy on 6292 9636.

Justice of the Peace
You will find Maureen in the Anne Murray room on Tuesdays between 11.30am and 2pm for Justice of the Peace matters.

ACT Older Persons Assembly –Consultations
Members of the public are invited to attend a community consultation forum to provide input into the second ACT Older Persons Assembly that will be held on 1 October 2014.

By popular demand, the four forums held in June are being supplemented with an additional forum in the Tuggeranong area:

Thursday 10 July
1.00pm to 3.00pm
Tuggeranong Seniors Centre
101 Cowlishaw Street (on the bend)

To RSVP call 6205 0303 during business hours. You do not need to be a Tuggeranong resident to attend.

Light refreshments will be provided.

For more information on the ACT Older Persons Assembly on 1 October 2014 go to http://www.communityservices.act.gov.au/wac/ageing/OPA or call 6205 0749.
Nomination forms for the Assembly can now be filled in online at the above web address, or forms can be sent to you by emailing oma@act.gov.au or calling 6205 0303.

Priority will be given to nominees who have attended a consultation forum.

Book Fair – Friday 8 to Sunday 10 August 2014
Only a month to go and Margaret Bourke (recently returned from China where she captained an Australian Women’s Bridge team into second place in the Asia Cup) needs your help. We need to sort, clean and price books in the lead up to the Fair. We also need volunteers to help at the Fair. And, we need help spreading the word about the Fair through whatever networks you have available to you.

If you can spare a few hours please let Margaret or Polly know.

Thank you to all who have dropped books off at the Club.

Do you have persistent knee pain or osteoarthritis in your knee?
Do you have access to broadband Internet?
If so, you may be interested in volunteering to take part in an Australian-wide research study. Researchers from the Physiotherapy Department at the University of Melbourne are now conducting a research study that will compare different treatment options for people over 50 years of age with persistent knee pain to find out which one works best and why.

For more information please contact Rachel at Rachel.nelligan@unimelb.edu.au. There are also brochures in the Club.

Don’t Drive, but want to get out and about?
COTA ACT is now providing a FREE travel assistance service for older people living in Canberra who want to get out and about more but aren’t familiar with the transport options available, are not sure how to get around physical limitations, or lack confidence.

The service is free and can provide a trained, police-checked volunteer who can discuss transport options with you, help you address barriers like confidence or health limitation, and explore what Canberra has to offer seniors.

The volunteer can also travel with you until you’re ready to go on your own. There’s so much to see and do – and COTA can help you get there.

Ring COTA on 6282 3777 to find out more.

Silver Screen Film Festival
‘Silver Screenings’ films are shown at 2pm on most Friday afternoons from now through to early October 2014, at the Arc Cinema of the National Film and Sound Archive, Ellery Circuit in Acton. Tickets are $6 for those aged 50+. Up coming films:
FRIDAY, 11 JULY 2014: Philomena (2013, M)
Out of work in the wake of a political scandal, the least interesting job option for ex-Blair government spin doctor Martin Sixsmith seemed at first to be telling the story of a little old Irish lady and her search for the child who she’d given up for adoption in the 1950s.
Veteran UK director Frears, Dame Judi Dench and Steve Coogan retell Philomena Lee’s story as both an odd couple road movie – and a powerful search for personal reconciliation.
FRIDAY, 18 JULY 2014: Smithy (1946, G)
For our first Silver Movie Moment, Canberra’s own film industry icon Andrew Pike goes into the NFSA collection to present one of the last, old-school, studio movies made in Australia.
‘Smithy is a brazen, vulgar, exuberant movie with the tone of a circus sideshow attraction… celebrating a national hero, showcasing great Aussie talent (Ron Randell kick-started his international career in the title role) and blithely blending fiction with fact – not least the enthusiastic appearance of an elderly William Morris Hughes playing himself as a young man!’ (Andrew Pike).

More information at www.nfsa.gov.au or on (02) 6248 2000