Fortnightly News 30/8/2019
Annual General Meeting 2019
The Annual General Meeting of the Woden Seniors Club Incorporated will take place in Hall 1, on Monday 16th September 2019 at 12.00 noon. There will be a light lunch served following the meeting.
Members wishing to bring items of Business before the AGM must submit them to the Secretary by Monday 2nd September, and they must be in the form of a written motion.
Nominations for election as Office Bearers or ordinary committee members shall be made on the prescribed form, approved by the committee, giving the written consent of the candidate and signed by two members of the club. The nomination must be received by the secretary by Monday 9th September, 2019
Two members of the Management Committee are retiring this year, so there is an opportunity to get more involved in running the Club.
Bridge Classes – all levels
No bridge classes on 9th and 16th September, otherwise classes for all levels will be held every Monday at 1.30 pm.
Expression of interest –Volunteering to work with small children
The Lollipop Centre next door has lots of children in need of substitute grandparents. Would some of our members be interested in forming a small group of volunteer grandmas and/or grandpas to go and work with the children on a regular basis (e.g. once a week or a fortnight) on a day to suit. This might involve reading a story, doing craft, playing games etc.
If you are interested please give your name to Polly.
The Vegie Garden
Thanks to all those willing workers who built the wonderful vegepods. There some herbs and vegies planted. Feel free to take some leaves for your dinner. Polly has bags for you to carry your produce home. More will be planted shortly.
The gardeners meet most Fridays and plan to work on the remainder of the club surrounds. If interested in helping please leave your name with Polly.
New Bus Timetables
The new bus timetable books for each area are available from the library, you just have to ask. Polly has a copy for reference only.
The Woden Experiment
If you have noticed the “Woden Experiment” – in the square at Woden, we have been asked to tell you that any groups who wish to use this space, may take up the opportunity to do this.
Possible activities could be:
- Craft workshops
- Fitness, choir, dance demonstrations
If any members or groups at the club are interested please contact Polly and she will give you the relevant details. Otherwise just enjoy the space to meet and chat.
Expression of interest – Carpet Bowls
We are going to restart Carpet Bowles in the Club after the floor in Hall 2 has been repaired, date and time to be confirmed. Let Polly know if you are interested in playing and we will keep you informed.
Justice of the Peace
Maureen is taking sometime off during the colder months. If you need a Justice of the Peace please go to the Woden police station.
SPIRAL PROGRAM – meets at the Uniting Church, Curtin
Spiral meets at the Uniting Church in Gillies Street, Curtin on Thursday mornings. Please arrive at or before 10.00. Speakers/ performers will commence at 10.10 and most will join us for the morning tea which will follow. A $1 contribution to costs is requested.
September 5 Joanna Gilmour Carte-o-mania!
Jo has been with the National Portrait Gallery since 2008 and has been a Spiral guest speaker a few times in the past. Today she will talk about the NPG’s collection of cartes de visite, Carte-o-mania! The exhibition celebrates the wit, style and substance of the pocket-sized portraits that were taken and collected like crazy in post-goldrush Australia.
September 12 Brett McNamara The Art of Nature
ACT Parks & Conservation Service manager Brett returns to explore the tangible connection between art and craft practitioners and the wonders of nature. For well over ten years, there has been an internationally acclaimed artist-in-residency program deep within the heart of Namadgi National Park with surprising results in connecting parks with people.
September 19 Jono Lineen Perfect Motion
Jono Lineen is a curator at the National Museum of Australia. His new book is a riveting exploration of the remarkable power of walking. Since our first ancestor rose up to place one foot in front of another, our desire to walk has produced fundamental changes in our bodies and minds. In Perfect Motion, Jono investigates that transformation, and why walking has made us more creative, helped us to learn, constructed our perception of time, strengthened our resilience and provided a way of making sense of our life – and death.
October 10 The Heartbeats
Perennial favourites, The Heartbeats have a new repertoire for your enjoyment.
November 14 Alice Ferguson Waiting in the Wings
Waiting in the Wings is a Noel Coward play set in The Wings, a retirement home for actresses. Alice has a deep involvement in theatre in Canberra and has joined us before to talk about REP plays. She has a small part in this one but knows all about the play and about Noel Coward.
We are people from varied backgrounds, occupations and origins. Mostly retired, ages range from 60 to 90+and there is no religious nature to our meetings. You are guaranteed a warm welcome. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me, Brett Yeats, on 6281 7684 or at yeatsb. Other contacts are Sue Driscoll on 0418 697 240 or at suedrisc and Angelika Dunker on 6281 4023 or 0491 120 556 or at angelika.dunker .