Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 27/9/2013

Annual General Meeting 1 pm Monday 14 October 2013
The Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 14 October 2013 at 1pm.  A light lunch will be provided at 12 noon.  Notices of the meeting have been posted in the Club.  
Notice of proposed amendments to the Club’s constitution has also been posted in the Club.  These relate to clarifying the role of Public Officer, providing the ability for the Club to confer life membership and amending the timeframe for holding Annual General Meetings to align with the Associations Incorporation Act.
Please come along, we need at least 40 members to create a quorum.
U3A Expert Panel to Ponder ‘The Best Years of our Lives?’ 2.30pm Tuesday 1 October 2013
To celebrate the United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Older Persons, the U3A is holding a forum next Tuesday, 1 October 2013 at 2.30pm.
The UN’s International Day of Older Persons is celebrated annually on 1 October to recognise the contributions of older persons and to examine issues that affect their lives.
The ACT Minister for Ageing may well be one of the younger persons attending the University of the Third Age celebration of the International Day of Older Persons on Tuesday, October 1.  Mr Shane Rattenbury has been lined up as one of four notable speakers who’ll debate the question:  
The best years of our lives?
The other panellists are: 
Dr Jim Peacock, 2013 ACT Senior Australian of the Year
Dr Sue Packer, 2013 Citizen of the Year, and 
Ms Robyn Beetham, president of U3A ACT
Professor John Warhurst, ANU emeritus professor of political science, will MC the discussion. It will take place at Hughes Community Centre, beginning at 2.30pm, followed by afternoon tea.  All are welcome.
For more information on the U3A International Day of Older Persons event, contact Sandy Forbes on 6295 8578 or email: publicity@u3acanberra.org.au.

Woden Seniors Website
Richard Henderson has been doing some great work updating the Club’s website, check it out at wodenseniors.org.au.  Richard has also set up the new WiFi system within the Club; the password to access it is available from Polly.
Upcoming Events
The Club has a number of events coming up:
Grandparents Day – celebrate the day; along with members from the other 3 ACT seniors clubs, by the Lake in Tuggeranong on Sunday 27 October 2013;
Concert – in the Club 2-4pm on Sunday 3 November 2013;
Melbourne Cup – join us at the club for the race and a flutter on Tuesday 5 November 2013;
Woden Valley Festival Carnival – the Club will have a market stall at the Carnival in Eddison Park, Woden from 10am to 4pm on Saturday 9 November 2013;
Christmas Lunch – Monday 9 December (TBC)
Government House Family Picnic Day
The Club had a market stall at the Government House Family Picnic Day last weekend.  Many thanks to Pam and Richard Cumpston, Ruth, …. And Magda for managing the stall, and to the beading and craft groups for providing jewellery, Christmas cards and other craft items for sale and to Margaret Bourke for organising all the books.  Apart from being a very pleasant day out, it was important that the Club had a presence there.
Friday Talk – Mobile phones (again)
By request, Grahame will hold another session to help people with their ‘smart’ phones. He will also talk about putting music on your phone and useful apps. Bring your phones and your problems or, if you don’t have phone, just come along. Friday 4 Oct 10-12.