Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 24/5/2013

News UpdateThe Soup Kitchen is Back!
Just a reminder that a light lunch of Soup with Bread is available every Wednesday and Thursday from just before midday to 1.30pm or until the soup runs out. The cost is $5.00 per bowl and includes bread which is quite often home made. 
If you would like to help in any way: by making and/or serving soup; making bread or scones or providing ingredients, please leave your name and when you can help with Polly at the front office. 
An Information Session with the Public Trustee and a Funeral Director
Woden Seniors in association with the Woden Community Services Inc is presenting an information session with the Public Trustee and a Funeral Director.  Doug Gillespie from the Public Trustee office will speak about WILLS and POWER OF ATTORNEY and Peter Dinn will speak about Funerals.
Details are:
Date: Thursday 6 June 2013
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Where: Anne Murray Room, Woden Seniors, Corinna Street, Woden
A light lunch of soup & bread will be available at the end of the morning for $5.00. 
Ms Noeline Brown, Ambassador for the Ageing will visit the Club on Thursday 6 June
The Ambassador will see a rehearsal of the U3A Recorder Orchestra and enjoy a short concert before speaking briefly, from 10am to 11.40am on Thursday 6 June 2013.
All recorder players are invited to attend.
Membership Renewals
It is coming to that time of the year when many memberships are due for renewal; please ensure your membership is up to date. 
Non-Club Activities of Interest to Members
Spiral is a small group of volunteers who began supporting and entertaining older Canberrans 44 years ago with regular morning teas and guest speakers. Spiral meets every Thursday at St. James Uniting Church in Curtin from 10.00 am till midday.  Morning tea is served.  You are all invited.  
Anne Murray will be speaking to the group on Thursday 30 May 2013.
Inviting you to a COTA ACT focus group on Transport for Older Canberrans
COTA ACT has been undertaking research on transport for older people in the ACT.  
In the second week of June, COTA will be inviting older people to attend focus group meetings to discuss their experiences with transport in Canberra and to suggest ways in which the system could be improved.  Details of the focus groups are as follows:
Using Community Transport
Community Hall, Hughes Community Centre
Wednesday 12 June Time:  10am-12pm
Getting around with a mobility or health impairment
Community Hall, Hughes Community Centre
Wednesday 12 June Time: 1pm-3pm
Getting around by taxi
Community Hall, Hughes Community Centre
Thursday 13 June Time: 11.30am-1.30pm
Getting around by car
Library, Hughes Community Centre
Friday 14 June Time: 1pm-3pm
Using Buses 
Library, Hughes Community Centre
Monday 17 June Times: 10am-12pm, 1pm-3pm
Anyone who is interested in attending a focus group session or finding out more about the research can contact Jane Thomson on 6282 3777 or via email at policy@cotaact.org.au.