Fortnightly News 24/10/2014
Art for Sale
There are a lot of new paintings for sale in the Club foyer; these have all been produced by Club members in the water colour painting group. With Christmas coming, these paintings, all in the $80 – $200 range represent excellent value for money, barely covering the cost of framing.
Melbourne Cup Party – 1pm, Tuesday 4 November 2014
The Melbourne Cup Party is on again this year. Bring a plate to share, we will provide some drinks and there will sweeps. Free to Club members and their friends. Festivities start at 1pm.
Calligraphy – No class on Melbourne Cup Day
Dr Hai Song’s Spring Seminar – 9.30 am to Noon Thursday 31 July
Spring has sprung!
The days are long;
Birds and I
Break into song;
It’s time again
To think of your health-
Much more important
Than material wealth.
So come to the Seminar –
Put a spring in your step,
You’ll gain extra wisdom
Of vigour and pep!
Dr Hai Song Wang‘s Spring Seminar will be held at the Woden Seniors’ Club on Thursday 13th November 2014.
Dr Hai Song will be bringing a well-known, high profile and experienced Medical friend who is an expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine and in the Abdomen/Internal Organs/Circulation area; Dr Hai Song is also planning to bring along his table for a demonstration of the techniques that will bring health to internal organs and improve circulation.
Details are: 9.30am to Noon
Thursday 13 November 2014
Hall 1, Woden Seniors’ Club
Cost: Free to Club members and their friends
There will be a small basket near the door for folk to contribute a gold coin for the morning-tea/coffee/refreshments provided by Dr Hai Song and his team.
Table Tennis Table for Sale
Club member, Ernie Jacenyik has a table tennis table for sale for $50. Please ring him on 0404 085 616 if you are interested.
The Big Book Fair in 2015
Yes it will be on again in 2015, Margaret Bourke is keen, all she needs now are books and helpers. Margaret is usually in the veranda on Monday and Friday mornings cleaning, sorting and pricing books so if you want to drop in for a chat and to lend a hand that would be greatly appreciated.
Grand Parents Week afternoon tea celebration
The Grand Parents’ week celebration was a great success. The theme of the event was ‘intergenerational’ and the debate topic of ‘whether grandchildren have duty of care for their grand parents’ was topical and in this context provocative.
The ANU debating team’s handling of the topic was sensitive, thoughtful and entertaining. The participation of the Arawang Primary School choir provided a strong counterpoint to the debate. The choir’s singing was delightful, of a very high standard and also, very entertaining.
Thank you to all those that made this event possible.
Warrani Chorale Recital – 10.30am, Wednesday 19 November 2014
The U3A Warrani Chorale will present Part 2 of songs from the Musicals (The Music Man, Phantom of the Opera, Celtic medley and more) on Wednesday 19th November 10.30am at Weston Creek Uniting Church, 16 Parkinson Street Weston Creek. Entrance by gold coin donation, light refreshment included.
GI Cancer Institute – Engage Community Forum: 25 November 2014
Following the success of the free Engage Community Forums held last year, the GI Cancer Institute is proud to announce its Canberra Forum on the 25th of November, at the Canberra Rex hotel.
The Community Forum is to raise awareness about Gastro-Intestinal (GI) cancer. The community, in particular the elderly would benefit highly from these forums, as GI cancers commonly affect those over 50 years old.
Engage will offer:
• Easy-to-understand information about GI cancer prevention
• Advice and information from clinicians and survivors who understand the challenges of GI cancer
• Information about the latest developments in cutting edge research
• Information about the benefits of clinical trials and how to access them
• A chance to learn about support resources at the info expo after the presentations
Despite the fact that 1 in 10 people are diagnosed with GI cancer in Australia, there are very few occasions when those affected can come together and share their experiences and stories of hope in a non-clinical setting.
Survivors, patients and carers or anyone interested in learning about GI cancers can register to attend the FREE event at or by calling 1300 666 769.
When: Tuesday 25th November 2014
Time: 6.30pm – 9.00pm
Location: Canberra Rex Hotel, 150 Northbourne Aveue, Braddon, ACT
Goodwin Aged Care Services
Goodwin has Home and Community Care hours for domestic assistance, personal care, social and transport. Contact Michelle Preston on 6178 7272 or email if you require assistance.
Don’t Drive, but want to get out and about?
COTA ACT is now providing a FREE travel assistance service for older people living in Canberra who want to get out and about more but aren’t familiar with the transport options available, are not sure how to get around physical limitations, or lack confidence.
The service is free and can provide a trained, police-checked volunteer who can discuss transport options with you, help you address barriers like confidence or health limitation, and explore what Canberra has to offer seniors.
The volunteer can also travel with you until you’re ready to go on your own. There’s so much to see and do – and COTA can help you get there.
Ring COTA on 6282 3777 to find out more.