Fortnightly News 24/1/2020
Welcome to the first fortnightly newsletter for 2020. Most of the regular club activities are restarting. U3A activities start first week in February. Why not try a new activity this year, there are many to choose from – Tai Chi, gentle exercise, recorder, Bridge, table tennis, singing, dancing, painting and more.
Bridge Classes
Classes for all levels (including Beginners) resume on Monday 3rd February at 1.30 pm.
Book Fair helpers
Preparations are well underway for the 2020 BIG Book Fair which is just over six months away.
Donations of books are rolling in and we would welcome some more helpers. At present we are sorting, cleaning and categorising the large number of donations we are receiving. We have two groups of volunteers operating – one on Wednesday mornings from 10 am and the other on Friday mornings from 10 am. If you have some spare time and would like to come in on one of those mornings to see how it is done we would love to see you. You will find us surrounded by books in the veranda area. If you would like more information leave your contact details with Polly.
Do you have a spare wheel chair?
The Bridge Group is seeking the donation of a wheel chair to be used while playing on Thursdays. If you would like to donate a wheel chair you are no longer using please bring it into the club or contact Polly to arrange collection.