Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 22/1/2021

Club Re-opens

Welcome back to 2021, we hope to have all of our activities going by early February.

Saturday Bridge

Saturday Bridge will recommence on Saturday 6 February starting at 1pm.

Book Fair Help

Let’s hope this year brings better times for the Club. As most members know we were unable to hold our Book Fair in 2020. We are hoping to hold one later this year to give the Club’s finances a much needed boost.

Donations of books, DVDs, CDs etc keep rolling in so we will have plenty of stock.

We do need more helpers to process the donations. At present we have two groups who sort, clean, categorise and pack the books etc. namely on Wednesday and Friday mornings.

We are also starting a Monday afternoon group from 1.45 pm to 3.45 pm. If you are interested in helping at any of these times please come along any Monday afternoon and talk to Judy about how you would like to help. We can find a job that fits your interests and physical capability.

The WOW Art Group

The Watercolour on Wednesday Art Group has an exhibition of members’ paintings in the foyer and the Anne Murray Room.

Check In CBR App

The Check In CBR app is a contactless, secure and convenient way for members to sign into the Woden Seniors Club.

The app helps protect the community by assisting with faster contact tracing. The app enables individuals to check-in to venues and have this data stored securely with ACT Health in the event contact tracing is needed due to a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the community.

Use of the app will help the ACT Health contact tracing team quickly identify and assist anyone who may have been exposed to COVID-19.

During the COVID-19 public health emergency non-essential businesses and undertakings are required by law to ask for the first name and phone number of people who attend their venue. Use of this app enables businesses to comply with these laws.

Download the App

5 step process to download and use the app:

(Internet connection and compatible phone or tablet device required)

  1. Download the Check In CBR App from Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
  2. Register your details (required for the first time only).
  3. At participating venues, open the app, select ‘Check In Now’ and hover your smartphone over the displayed QR code.
  4. Add in any additional people – those who are with you without their own device or app.
  5. When the check-in is complete, show venue staff the app successful check in screen.