Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 2/3/2018

Food Safety Workshop

The Club has been lucky enough to receive a grant from the ACT government to enable us to offer a workshop on food safety.

In recent years the requirements for organisations offering and serving food have changed considerably and it is important that those involved in assisting with food preparation and serving are up to date with the requirements.

Nutrition Australia (ACT) will be giving us an informative and interactive two-hour session on food safety on Friday 23 March from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm in the Anne Murray Room.

While this workshop is open to any member, we hope members who are keen to help with the café at the Book Fair and catering for other Club events are able to come. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions.

Please let Polly know if you would like to attend. There is no limit on the number of participants.

The more the merrier!

Scrabble – Change of Day

A Scrabble group meets on Monday afternoons from 2.00 – 4.00 pm in the Dining Room next to hall 1. Drop in if you feel like a game.

Woden Seniors Book Club

The Book Club meets in the Anne Murray Room at 10:30am on the last Friday of the month.

The next meeting will be on Friday 30 March to discuss ‘The Dry’ by Jane Harper.

Friday 27 April: Light & Shadows by Mark Colvin;

Friday 25 May: Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders;

Newcomers always welcome.

Expression of Interest in playing Rickety Kate (Hearts or Black Maria)

Expressions of interest are sought for playing the card game Rickety Kate, sometimes known as Hearts or Black Maria?

A good game is had with either 3 or 4 people.

Possible times are Thursday or Friday afternoon from, say, either 1.30 pm to 4 pm or 2 pm to 4 pm, in The Anne Murray Room.

Bridge Classes 2018

There are Bridge classes on each Monday:

Beginners – 1:30 – 3:30pm

Improvers – 2:00 – 4:00pm


Spiral is a group of senior citizens (60+ to 90+) that meet each Thursday morning, they are non-denominational with people from varied backgrounds, occupations and origins. The Spiral Photo Album gives a good sense of who they are and what they do. There are no fees but a $1 contribution to costs is requested. Spiral is seeking new members, helpers and guest speakers. You are not obliged to come every week and you can come for the talk and/or the morning tea. Any questions or suggestions please contact me or one of the other people on the list below.

Location: The Uniting Church in Gillies Street, Curtin.

When: Thursday morning.

Time: Speakers will commence at 10.10 and most will join us for the morning tea that will follow.

Please share this newsletter with as many people as you can and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact – Brett Yeats – on 6281 7684 or at yeatsb. You can also contact Angelika Dunker on 6281 4023 or at angelika.dunker

March 8 Judy Mack Legacy in Canberra

“Do you know that Canberra Legacy was established on Anzac Day 1928 following the inauguration of the first Club in Melbourne in 1925?” Judy, Vice President of Canberra Legacy will talk about the structure of Canberra Legacy as it is today, the volunteers, their role and why she got involved.

March 15 Tammy Ven DangeThe Misadventures of Chris The Sheep

Tammy Ven Dange, CEO of the RSPCA, returns with the book she wrote about Chris, the once-errant sheep rescued from Mulligans Flat in 2015. Chris made international headlines and a Guinness World record when he was given a life-saving shear of 41.1 kilograms of wool. Book for sale, proceeds to RSPCA ACT.

March 22 The Heartbeats

The Heartbeats will be bringing a new repertoire for 2018. Fun, laughter and familiar songs from the boys accompanied, as always, by the lovely Margaret on piano. Note: we will serve morning tea first before the concert starting at 11.00.

March 29 COTA ACT – What we do and how we can help

Ingrid Pepper (COTA ACT Community Education Manager) and Raina Johnston (COTA ACT Seniors Card Manager). COTA, a ‘not for profit’ organisation that exists to represent the interests of seniors in the ACT, offers a range of services and information for over 50s. Ingrid will tell you all about what they are currently doing in the community. Raina will tell you all about the ACT Seniors Card, how to get one, where you can use it and helpful tips on accessing a range of discounts from both commercial vendors and the ACT Government. They will have a range of brochures and information resources for you to take away with you – including the latest ACT Seniors Card Discount Directory.

April 5 Libby Stewart The Gift: Art, Artefacts & Arrivals

Libby, the Senior Historian at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, will introduce us to this exhibition where four artists portray Holocaust survivors through video, sculpture and photography. Each reveals the personal stories behind their experiences and the significance and power of treasured objects.

April 12 Ian Anderson “Australian aid: does it work?”.

Ian has spent over 30 years working with the Australian aid program, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and as a consultant to UNICEF and other international organisations on aid programs. He will give a fresh perspective on Australia’s aid program.

April 19 Cindy Young The Camino

Join Cindy as she shares her experience of walking the legendary pilgrim trail across Spain to Santiago de Compostela.

April 26 Gideon Snowdon

Gideon is nearly seventeen and is already an accomplished artisan who creates the most beautiful turned pens – both in wood and other mediums. His well prepared, informative and interesting powerpoint presentation comes highly recommended and you are likely to be most impressed with his skill at such a young age.

May 10 Jan Morgan Confessions of an arboretum junkie

Jan runs U3A courses on Trees of the National Arboretum and conducts entertaining (I’ve done one) walks there. The title of her talk is hers – what will she confess?