Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 17/1/2025

Issue 01 of 2025  

17 January 2025


Dates to Remember


Tuesday 21 January – Memoir Writing Group first session
Monday 27 January – Australia Day Public Holiday. Club will be closed.
Wednesday 29 January – Book Fair Committee meeting 2.00pm
Friday 31 January – Book Club Group first session
Friday-Sunday 4, 5 and 6 April – the Woden Seniors Big Book Fair



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Wishing all our Club members, their families, friends, and loved ones a happy and prosperous 2025.  I‘d guess we’ve all felt that it seems just yesterday we were gearing up for Y2K – and now that was a quarter of a century ago. 



Donations are being welcomed for our 2025 Big Book Fair.    The Fair is our big fund-raiser for the year and wouldn’t it be fantastic to beat last year’s record takings!!  A reminder that we are delighted to accept clean, resaleable books, comics, CDs, DVDs, audio books, jigsaws, and games. We cannot accept encyclopedias, Readers Digest condensed books, magazines, First Aid manuals, cassette tapes, video tapes, vinyl records, computer software and computer games and dirty, tatty, incomplete books. Donations can be left at the Club between 9.30 am and 3.30 pm Monday to Friday.


Memoir Writing Group

Have you ever thought of writing your memoir or stories from your life experiences?  For your family, your friends, or even just for yourself?

Come along to a Memoir Writing Group on Tuesday afternoons, 1.00pm in the Anne Murray Room, starting on 21st January 2025.  Looking forward to seeing you.  Any queries can be directed to Katherine McCarthy, 0400 456 841.


Book Club

Do you like to read?  Our Book Club will meet on the last Friday of each month, 2.00pm in the Anne Murray Room.  The first meeting will be Friday 31st January.  Again, any queries to Katherine McCarthy, 0400 456 841.

Many thanks to Katherine for leading these two initiatives.



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Jenny Gregory


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606 Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au        




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