Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 15/9/2017

Annual General Meeting

The Woden Seniors Club 2017 Annual General Meeting will be held in Hall 1, at 12 noon on Monday 18 September 2017. A light lunch of sandwiches, cakes and tea/coffee will be provided after the meeting. Please come along to the meeting.

At the AGM we are proposing a suite of by-laws for consideration by members. Our aim is to provide greater clarity in a number of areas of activity within the Club. There is a copy of the proposed by-laws posted on the notice board in the entrance to the Club and also at the end of this newsletter.

New iPad course – Photos

This course will run over two sessions from 10 am to 12 noon on Wednesday 1 November and Wednesday 8 November.

It is suitable for those who can use an iPad but know very little about the camera in an iPad. The main areas to cover will be:

  • Camera settings and buttons.
  • Practice at taking photos.
  • The Photo App and how the photos are organised.
  • Creating Albums & selecting photos
  • Sharing photos including emailing
  • Editing photos
  • Making & viewing videos
  • Photo Booth & Facetime

If you would like to enrol send an email message to the office (admin@wodenseniors.org.au). There will be six places.

Supervised Bridge – Mondays 1:30-3:30pm

These sessions will commence on 9th October. There will be a short lesson on a specific topic followed by a relaxed duplicate session where assistance may be sought.

Book Fair 2018

The Committee has decided to hold another Book Fair. The 2018 Book Fair will be from 10 to 12 August.

Preparations are already underway. You may have noticed that all the boxes of fiction that were stacked up in the Dining Area have been put away for the 2018 Book Fair. Before they were put away they were re-sorted and re-packed by Judy B, Agatha and Jocelyn – a big task done by these amazing and hard working women.

We will need more volunteers to help prepare the books as the donations come in. So watch this space if you are interested.

Free Recipe Books and Craft Magazines

Many members have already taken advantage of the free magazines left over from this year’s Book Fair. There are still a lot of beautiful craft magazines so take what you would like. There are also quite a lot of great little recipe books prepared by the Tai Chi group a few years ago. These too are free to a good home! You will find them all on a table in the foyer.

Upcoming Club Events

The following is a list of social events planned for the Club:

22 October 2017 – Celebration of the Club’s 45th Anniversary with our Seniors Concert which was so popular last year

7 November 2017 – Melbourne Cup PARTY!!

10 November 2017 – Ms Estelle Muspratt will talk on War Graves, etc, at 10.00-12.00 in the Anne Murray Room. This will be followed by a break for coffee/tea and cake, then there will be time for questions.

December – Christmas Celebration.


A Scrabble group meets on Tuesday afternoons from 2.00 – 4.00 pm in the Anne Murray Room. Drop in if you feel like a game.

Woden Seniors Book Club

The Woden Seniors Book Club meets in the Anne Murray Room at 10:30am on the last Friday of the month, the next meeting due on Friday 29 September will discuss ‘Owls Do Cry’ by Janet Frame. Newcomers always welcome.

Friday 29 September: Owls Do Cry by Janet Frame;

Friday 27 October: The Happiest Refugee by Anh Do;

Friday 24 November: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

And there will be lunch of the group in December.

Rotary Club of Canberra Free Seniors Concert – “Que Sera Sera”

When: Sunday 12th November 2017,

2.00 – 4.00 pm (seated by 1.50 pm)

Where: At the Albert Hall, Commonwealth Avenue

The concert is organised by Sing Australia. Transport is available if required. Afternoon tea will be served. Bookings through COTA on 6282 3777

Dementia Research Opportunity!!

Do you experience memory problems? Do you want help to live a more active and healthy lifestyle?

The Centre of Research on Ageing, Health and Wellbeing (CRAHW) at the Australian National University is trialling a new program targeting people who experience cognitive problems in day-to-day life (e.g. problems with memory or concentration etc.) This program will provide knowledge on ageing, memory problems and dementia, and the importance of exercise, diet and keeping your mind active to decrease dementia risk.

We are seeking adults aged 65+ who:

-Experience memory problems in day-to-day life
-Are not participating in an ongoing lifestyle change programs

-Have internet access and computer at home and fluent English language skills

-Without a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia

-Without major mental or physical problems which would prevent you from taking part in a lifestyle change program

-Prepared to make lifestyle changes to improve your health

If you would like more information or would like to take part in the research, please email: bblmci or call Mitchell McMaster on (02) 6125 6351.


Spiral is a group of senior citizens (60+ to 90+) that meet each Thursday morning, they are non-denominational with people from varied backgrounds, occupations and origins. The Spiral Photo Album gives a good sense of who they are and what they do. There are no fees but a $1 contribution to costs is requested. Spiral is seeking new members, helpers and guest speakers. You are not obliged to come every week and you can come for the talk and/or the morning tea. Any questions or suggestions please contact me or one of the other people on the list below.

Location: The Uniting Church in Gillies Street, Curtin.

When: Thursday morning.

Time: Speakers will commence at 10.10 and most will join us for the morning tea that will follow.

September 21 Geoff Pryor

Geoff needs no introduction after 30 years career drawing cartoons for the Canberra Times. This year he donated 5000 originals to the National Library. A living national treasure with a long and continuing Canberra history – eminent-botanist father Lindsay was the founder of the Australian Botanic Gardens and daughter Sally is the Arts Editor at the Canberra Times. What a treat.

September 28 I don’t know yet ….. Any suggestions?

October 5 Jim Cleaver

Spiral regulars will recognise Jim as the harmonica-playing member of The Heartbeats. Born in 1929, the son of a bush school teacher, Jim started life as a carpenter/ joiner before a life in project management. From an early age, he had a love of music and poetry. Today he will share his fun with the spoken word.

October 12 Warehouse Circus

Warehouse Circus has been in Canberra since 1990. Whilst Warehouse Circus is well known as a youth circus, they have an opportunity for us also – they have Gold Circus Classes open to ages 50 and over. No prior skill or athletic ability required, these classes are a great way to improve your fitness, flexibility and balance while expanding your social networks. A representative will join us to talk about the history of the circus and how the circus teaches people things such as juggling, acrobatics, plate spinning, and stacks more! Warehouse Circus also performs at events and festivals. Please be ready with any questions you may have.

October 19 URoC – the Ukulele Republic of Canberra

URoC has performed for us before and we are always happy to welcome them back. Surely, everyone loves the uke. Now celebrating ten years in the business, they will be bringing a new repertoire performed for the Floriade festival.

Spiral contacts.

Brett Yeats – phone 6281 7684 or email address is yeatsb

Mavis Angove – 0438 460 813 or 6292 1437 or mavisangove

Sara York – 0419 587 578 or sarawyork

Sue Driscoll – 0418 697 240 or suedrisc

Angelika Dunker – 6281 4023 or angelika.dunker

Justice of the Peace

You will find Maureen in Club on Tuesdays & Thursdays between 10.30am and 2pm for Justice of the Peace matters.

Proposed By-Laws for consideration at the AGM on Monday 18 September 2017



1. Compliance with these By-Laws is a condition of membership.

2. The Management Committee (hereafter known as the ‘Committee’) may authorise such activities it considers appropriate to be conducted on Club premises. No unauthorised activities may be conducted on Club premises.

3. An activity fee is payable for each activity attended. The amount of the fee is as determined by the Committee from time to time. All persons attending activities must be members of the Club unless the activity leader permits the non member to take part, in which case that non member will pay an additional surcharge as determined by the Committee.

4. Attendances at activities must be recorded in the activity book at the time of the activity.

5. Members and activity groups may move furniture for their convenience but must return it to its original position at the conclusion of the activity.

6. Other than a Committee member, no person shall open or close the Club unless authorised by the President or his/her delegate. A list of key holders is to be kept. No person shall possess a key unless authorised by the President or his/her delegate.

7. The last person to leave the Club premises is responsible for locking up. All windows, doors, electric and gas appliances are to be checked.

8. (a) Money shall be reconciled and banked daily.

(b) No Club member shall spend more than $50 on behalf of the Club without the prior approval of the President or his/her delegate or the Committee.

9. (a) The Committee shall regulate parking at the Club premises and determine parking policy and enforcement of rules, including wheel clamping.

(b) (i) Parking is only permitted for bona fide members attending Club activities.

(ii) Membership of the Club is not open to persons wishing to join simply to obtain the benefit of parking on Club premises.

(iii) The Committee may make parking spaces available on a commercial basis in order to boost Club finances where it deems appropriate to do so.

(c) Parking vouchers may be purchased by members, the cost thereof to be determined by the Committee from time to time.

(d) Members must ensure that their voucher is clearly visible from their vehicle when parking at the Club.

(e) Parking is not permitted in a manner which obstructs access or egress from the Club.

10. The prescribed Annual Subscription shall be as determined by the Committee from time to time. Membership lapses if not paid by the due date.

11. (a) The Club premises, furniture, fittings and equipment are available for hire.

(b) Hiring charges and conditions shall be as determined by the Committee from time to time.

12. (a) The Club may confer life membership on a member who has made a major contribution to the Club over a significant period. The Committee shall call for nominations annually by placing a notice to that effect in the newsletter in time to allow for election at an Annual General Meeting.

(b) Life members shall not be required to pay the annual subscription or parking voucher fee, but shall be required to pay the activity fee.

13. Notice of fee changes, rule changes and any other communications from the Committee to members shall be placed in the Newsletter and on the Club Noticeboard and shall be taken to be adequate notice of the matters to which it relates.