Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 14/9/2018

Annual General Meeting

The Woden Seniors Club 2018 Annual General Meeting will be held in Hall 1, at 12 noon on Monday 17 September 2018. A light lunch of sandwiches, cakes and tea/coffee will be provided after the meeting. Please come along to the meeting.

Bridge Classes – all levels

No classes for 17th & 24th September, and 1st & 8th October

Classes recommence on Monday 15th October at 1.30 pm.

2019 Book Fair

We are still looking for someone to be the Container Manager. This would involve being responsible for moving packed boxes to the container on a regular basis, keeping track of what is put in the container, organising the boxes in the container and emptying the container in preparation for the next Book Fair. The manager will obviously need some help. If you would like to take on the role as either the manager or a helper please let Polly know.’

Woden Seniors Book Club

The Book Club meets in the Anne Murray Room at 10:30am on the last Friday of the month.

Next meeting will be on Friday 28 September to discuss ‘The Ministry of Utmost Happiness ’ by Roy Arundhati.

Friday 26 October: Aunts Up The Cross by Robin Dalton;

Friday 30 November: From Lands of Green Ghosts by Pascal Khoo Thwe;

Friday 21 December: Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Strout;

Newcomers always welcome.

Club Events for 2018

Save the dates!

AGM Monday 17 September

Seniors Concert Sunday 21 October

Melbourne Cup Tuesday 6 November

Christmas Party Friday 7 December

Creative Computing Workshop for Seniors

A free Creative Computing Workshop for Seniors will be held at Erindale College between 10am and 1pm on Saturday, October 6, 2018. It’s suitable for men and women over 50 who know how to use a keyboard and mouse.

In a relaxed setting, the workshop will show you how to get started with some inspiring technology called “Scratch” and produce amazing, colourful, musical, moving creations just by dragging blocks around with the mouse. You can then share these with family and friends, and your creations can include interactive stories, games, animations, and lots more.

It’s simple to use, costs nothing, is great for the brain, and is way more fun than crosswords or sudoku, so come and join us for this stimulating and enjoyable workshop! You will need to register, either by using this link: Creative Computing for Seniors workshop (using “Scratch”) or by ringing: (02) 6294 2226.

ACT Waste Management website

This is a very useful website for information on household and recycling collections. It has an amazing A-Z of recycling for how to dispose of anything safely. For example did you know you can leave paint and gas bottles for free at Mugga Lane and Mitchell? https://www.tccs.act.gov.au/recycling-and-waste

Justice of the Peace

You will find Maureen in Club on Tuesdays & Thursdays between 10.30am and 2pm for Justice of the Peace matters.

SPIRAL PROGRAM – meets at the Uniting Church, Curtin

The Spiral Program meets at the Uniting Church in Gillies Street, Curtin every Thursday at 10.00am. Speakers/ performers commence at 10.10am and most will join us for the morning tea which follows. A $1 contribution to costs is requested. The Spiral Program comprise people from varied backgrounds, occupations and origins. Mostly retired, mostly over 60 – we welcome anyone who wants to join us. While the Uniting Church provides great support to us there is no religious nature to our meetings. Age is no restriction – we have some active 90-year olds amongst us and you can even come if you are less than 60. Contact – Brett Yeats – on 6281 7684 or at yeatsb.

September 20 ACT NO Waste

Come along to hear about the ACT Government’s No Waste Strategy which facilitates and encourages the resource recovery industry to maximise the recovery and recycling of wastes. Learn about the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF or recycling sorting facility) and the Mugga Lane Resource Management Centre (RMC or landfill site). You could then visit the site for an interactive, educational experience and a chance to see what happens to recycling and waste after your kerbside bins are collected.

September 27 TNMG or TiN MuGs

TNMG (Tuesday Night Music Group) is a branch of the Monaro Folk Society that has been meeting on Tuesday nights for 27 years. There are a number of very experienced musicians working with others at beginner and intermediate levels. I met these people playing at the Irish Embassy at a St Patrick’s Day function. Expect at least ten musicians playing a variety of instruments including accordion, concertina, fiddle, banjo, bouzouki, mandolin, guitar, lagerphone, keyboard, ukulele, flute, recorder, Irish Whistle, percussion, and occasionally harp, autoharp and hammer dulcimer. Expect a variety of Irish, Scottish, German, English and Australian folk and bush tunes – jigs and reels, polkas and mazurkas, waltzes and other haunting tunes and some songs.

October 4 Paula Henriksen ‘Crocodiles and Kaleko’

Paula is a writer who lives in Canberra. ‘Crocodiles and Kaleko’, her first full-length book, is a memoir of a funny, chaotic, challenging and ultimately inspiring two years when she worked for the Australian Government in the Solomon Islands. Paula expected to be living in a tropical paradise, so was unprepared for pot-holed dirt roads, barbed wire and the need for constant security guards, not to mention long days of work. But she soon discovered that tropical paradise after all, when she encountered the warmth and optimism of the Solomon Islands people and snorkelled amongst coral wonderlands. Paula’s two years in the Solomons were so life-changing that she had to share the experience with others.

October 11 Brite Notes

The Brite Notes is a not-for-profit group (currently seven performers) who provide entertainment to nearly 50 Community and Aged Care groups throughout the Canberra Region. As well as Canberra they perform in Yass, Goulburn, Cooma, Batehaven, Moruya and Dalmeny. The group has been offering this service for more than 20 years and two of its members have been recognised with OAMs for their service to the community. Members take it in turns to choose a theme. The current program of songs is based on the theme of ‘Land and Water’. We welcome the Brite Notes back for their second Spiral performance.

October 25 The Heartbeats

The Heartbeats are our oldest (both in age and time on the Spiral calendar). They have been performing for us for more than 15 years, but with an ever-changing repertoire. Expect fun, laughter and familiar songs from the boys accompanied, as always, by the lovely Margaret on piano. They keep returning because we love what they do and they love entertaining us.

December 6 Latham Primary School Choir

The Latham Primary School choir first visited us in 2010. This has developed into a tradition which we look forward to – and the children do, too.