Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 14/5/2021

Need help with your phone or tablet? – Drop-in session

If you would like help about any issue to do with your mobile phone or tablet COTA ACT will be at the Club

  • on Thursday 27 May 2021
  • from 9.30 am to 11.30 am.

You may want help with the Check in CBR app or how to access Youtube – the possibilities are endless!

Just bring your phone or tablet and come along at any time during this session. Morning tea will be available.


There will be more seminars on Advance Care Planning in the near future. We will let you know through this newsletter.

Table Tennis Sessions

Mondays 2.00 – 4.00 pm

Wednesdays 9.30 – 12.30 pm

Firdays – 9.30 – 12.30 pm

Please Do Not Enter the Club if:

  • You are feeling unwell and developing cold or flu like symptoms (including fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath); or
  • You have been in close contact with someone with these symptoms or is a confirmed COVID-19 case; or
  • You or someone you have been in close contact with has recently returned from interstate or overseas.

Check In CBR App

The ACT Government has mandated that the Check In CBR App be used by all venues from 6 March 2021. This means that members entering the Club must use the Check In CBR App.

The ‘Check In CBR’ app is a contactless, secure and convenient way for members to sign into the Woden Seniors Club.

The app helps protect the community by assisting with faster contact tracing. The app enables individuals to check-in to venues and have this data stored securely with ACT Health in the event contact tracing is needed due to a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the community.

Use of the app will help the ACT Health contact tracing team quickly identify and assist anyone who may have been exposed to COVID-19.

During the COVID-19 public health emergency non-essential businesses and undertakings are required by law to ask for the first name and phone number of people who attend their venue. Use of this app enables businesses to comply with these laws.

Download the App

5 step process to download and use the app:

(Internet connection and compatible phone or tablet device required)

  1. Download the Check In CBR App from Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
  2. Register your details (required for the first time only).
  3. At participating venues, open the app, select ‘Check In Now’ and hover your smartphone over the displayed QR code.
  4. Add in any additional people – those who are with you without their own device or app.
  5. When the check-in is complete, show venue staff the app successful check in screen.

Spiral News

Spiral is a group of senior citizens (60+ to 90+) that meet each Thursday morning, they are non-denominational with people from varied backgrounds, occupations and origins. The Spiral Photo Album gives a good sense of who they are and what they do. There are no fees but a $1 contribution to costs is requested. Spiral is seeking new members, helpers and guest speakers. You are not obliged to come every week and you can come for the talk and/or the morning tea. Any questions or suggestions please contact me or one of the other people on the list below.

Location: The Uniting Church in Gillies Street, Curtin.

When: Thursday morning.

Time: Speakers will commence at 10.10 and most will join us for the morning tea that will follow.

May 20 Capital Folk

This is a group of eight musicians who will bring us “Tuneful folk music from around the world.”

May 27 Dr Sophie Jensen The Trevor Kennedy Collection: Highlights

Sophie is a senior curator at the National Museum of Australia. This exhibition features 500 stunning artworks, furniture, jewellery and ceramics. Sophie will talk about Trevor’s inspired collecting and how the Museum came to acquire its largest and most significant acquisition to date. Discover stories of colonial life and society and defining moments in our history, including Federation, the discovery of gold and great sporting feats.