Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 12/10/2018

Woden Seniors Concert – 2pm Sunday 21 October

Yes, it is on again, the Woden Seniors Concert, featuring singing, dancing and the playing of various instruments by Club members. The very entertaining Lutana McLeod is your MC. The concert starts at 2 pm and will include afternoon tea.

Donations of non-perishable food for Drought Stricken Farmers

We have a box in the Club foyer for donations of non-perishable food for distribution to drought stricken farmers in New South Wales.

Bridge Classes – all levels

Classes recommence on Monday 15th October at 1.30 pm.


The Club has applied for a grant for 2 raised garden beds in which to plant various herbs and greens. We are planning to form a Garden Activity Group to install and maintain these self watering beds. We also want to improve the surrounds of the club by designing & developing and planting out areas around the club. Anyone interested in being part of this please leave your name & contact with Polly & we will follow up. Sue Allen

Woden Seniors Book Club

The Book Club meets in the Anne Murray Room at 10:30am on the last Friday of the month.

Next meeting will be on Friday 26 October to discuss ‘Aunt Up The Cross’ by Robin Dalton.

Friday 30 November: From Lands of Green Ghosts by Pascal Khoo Thwe;

Friday 21 December: Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Strout;

Newcomers always welcome.

Club Events for 2018

Save the dates!

Melbourne Cup Tuesday 6 November

Christmas Party Friday 7 December

ACT Waste Management website

This is a very useful website for information on household and recycling collections. It has an amazing A-Z of recycling for how to dispose of anything safely. For example did you know you can leave paint and gas bottles for free at Mugga Lane and Mitchell? https://www.tccs.act.gov.au/recycling-and-waste

Justice of the Peace

You will find Maureen in Club on Tuesdays & Thursdays between 10.30am and 2pm for Justice of the Peace matters.

SPIRAL PROGRAM – meets at the Uniting Church, Curtin

The Spiral Program meets at the Uniting Church in Gillies Street, Curtin every Thursday at 10.00am. Speakers/ performers commence at 10.10am and most will join us for the morning tea which follows. A $1 contribution to costs is requested. The Spiral Program comprise people from varied backgrounds, occupations and origins. Mostly retired, mostly over 60 – we welcome anyone who wants to join us. While the Uniting Church provides great support to us there is no religious nature to our meetings. Age is no restriction – we have some active 90-year olds amongst us and you can even come if you are less than 60. Contact – Brett Yeats – on 6281 7684 or at yeatsb.

October 18 Lindy Hou OAM: Paralympic Gold Medallist and World Champion

“Making the best of our ability to perform our personal best” is Lindy’s motto. She speaks from experience. Lindy’s family migrated to Australia in 1974 when she was a teenager. A degree in computer science led to a career in information technology. She began losing her sight in the mid-1980s due to a degenerative eye condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa and is now almost totally blind. When Lindy couldn’t continue with her Computer Consulting career, she gained her qualification as a massage therapist. Always keen on many sports both as a participant and as a coach she later turned to paralympic cycling with huge success. She was honoured with the Order of Australia Medal on the 2005 Australia Day for her service to sports.

Lindy is now embarked on a career as a motivational speaker and a life coach. If you can’t wait and want to know more, you can visit Lindy’s impressive websitewww.lindyhou.com

October 25 The Heartbeats

The Heartbeats are our oldest (both in age and time on the Spiral calendar). They have been performing for us for more than 15 years, but with an ever-changing repertoire. Expect fun, laughter and familiar songs from the boys accompanied, as always, by the lovely Margaret on piano. They keep returning because we love what they do and they love entertaining us.