Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 11/10/2013

Annual General Meeting 1 pm Monday 14 October 2013
The Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 14 October 2013 at 1pm.  A light lunch will be provided at 12noon.  Notices of the meeting have been posted in the Club.  
Notice of proposed amendments to the Club’s constitution has also been posted in the Club.  These relate to clarifying the role of Public Officer, providing the ability for the Club to confer life membership and amending the timeframe for holding Annual General Meetings to align with the Associations Incorporation Act.
Please come along, we need at least 40 members to create a quorum.
Grandparents Day Community Festival Sunday 27 October 2013
Celebrate the day with family and friends; along with members from the other 3 ACT seniors clubs, at the Grandparents Day Community Festival from 11am to 5pm located between the Tuggeranong Seniors Centre and the foreshores of Lake Tuggeranong. Entry through the gates off 101 Cowlishaw Street.
Entertainment includes live music with Canberra’s own Annie and the Armadillos, The Old 45’s will also be performing great rock and pop classics from the 60’s and 70’s, with Southside Rock’n’Roll Dance on hand to kick up their heels on the dance floor. The Tuggeranong Ukulele Gang will make a welcome return with high-energy performances, featuring students from several Tuggeranong Primary Schools.
Fun activities include ‘paint and play’ and face painting for younger children, and a range of other activities for people of all ages including circus workshops, reptile displays, healthy cooking demonstrations, croquet, belly dancing, disc golf, Nordic walking, badminton, petanque and painting for seniors.
Upcoming Events
The Club has a number of events coming up:
Concert – featuring Rachel Duncan and Michael Politi will be held in the Club from 2-4pm on Sunday 3 November 2013.  Tickets for $15 are available from Polly in the front office;
Melbourne Cup – join us at the club for the race and a flutter in the Anne Murray Room on Tuesday 5 November 2013;
Woden Valley Festival Carnival – the Club will have a market stall (books, plants and craft for sale) at the Carnival in Eddison Park, Wodenfrom 10am to 4pm on Saturday 9 November 2013;
Christmas Lunch – Monday 9 December (TBA)
Books, Books, Books
The Club is seeking more books to stock our library and for sale through the market stall at the Woden Festival on Saturday 9 November – donations of good quality books especially children’s books would be appreciated. 
Thank you to Neil Stevenson and partner Pat Worthy for a significant contribution of books in excellent condition.
The U3A term recommences next week, which is likely to put pressure on parking places at the Club.  Please park close to the fence, and double park behind when necessary.
Assistive Technology Forum
COTA is hosting a free forum on Assistive and Enabling Technologies for Consumer Empowermentpresented by Dr Kevin Doughty, an international expert from the Centre for Usable Home Technology at the University of York/University of Newcastle in the UK.
Guest Speaker: Dr Kevin Dougty
Date:               Tuesday 22nd October 2013
Time:               2.30pm – 4.00pm 
Venue:            Hughes Community Centre, Wisdom St, Hughes
Cost:                Free to consumers
Flyers and registration forms are available from the front office.