Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Fortnightly News 11/10/2024

Issue 20 of 2024     

11 October  2024

Dates to Remember

Tuesday 15 October – Club Executive Committee Meeting


Thanks Sue Barrett for information regarding the passing of another Club stalwart in Dennis Blewett.  Members will remember Dennis’ many years of work as a very erudite Editor of and contributor to the Club’s quarterly Meridian newsletter which was professionally printed and sent to members by ‘snail mail’.  Dennis died on 17th August aged 89 and is survived by wife Iris who was also involved with the Club over an extensive period.





A full day of talking to many many interested people and handing out information about the Woden, Tuggeranong, Canberra and Belconnen Seniors Clubs at this very well organised and well attended Expo.  Many thanks to Sue Allen and Roger Tomlins for their knowledgeable and enthusiastic assistance in promoting our Club and its activities and of course our 2025 Big Book Fair.



Don’t forget to see Polly and pick up a book or two of raffle tickets for yourself or to sell to friends, family, neighbours… our fundraiser is aimed at being able to purchase some more new chairs to complete the welcome upgrade of our foyer area.  The prizes as below are well worth winning.  Tickets are $1 each…




A little from a lot of people will add up!!  The raffle will be drawn on Monday 4th November – don’t miss your chance to win.






Let’s hope that the profusion of plant life in our vegepod is a signal that we might have some warmer weather soon……. Many thanks to our gardening supersquad.






Jenny Gregory


Woden Seniors Inc.

PO Box 345, Woden ACT 2606 Tel: (02) 6282 2573

Email: president@wodenseniors.org.au        







Thanks Al for today’s words of wisdom.


Poster found on the wall of a church in France (translated….)


When you enter this Church

It may be that you hear the “call of God”.

However it is unlikely that he will call you on your mobile,

So thank you for turning off your phones.

If you want to talk to God, please enter, choose a quiet spot and talk to Him.

If you want to see Him, send a text while driving.



