Woden Seniors Inc

50 years of providing Community Service to the over-50s of Canberra


Visit by Noeline Brown, Ambassador for Ageing

20130606-_DSC5370On Thursday, 6th June, members of the Recorder Orchestra were hosts to actress Noeline Brown, Ambassador for Ageing.

Fifty recorder players and some observers from the Beginner classes gathered at the Woden Seniors’ Club hall and played a 40 minute concert. The music ranged from Renaissance Dances to modern (“Yesterday” by Lennon and McCarthy, and a lively Tango with contra bass solo.)

Noeline was amazed by the sound, and her prepared speech about how to ‘age well’ was, as she said , superfluous when confronted with 50 vibrant older people , so obviously engaged happily in making such beautiful music.

She commented that she had had no idea that recorders existed in sizes other than the descant which everyone knows from primary school.

A bonus was that Chris Kimball from the ABC 7:30 on Fridays was there with his cameraman, and expressed the same amazement. His piece was shown on Friday, 28th June. Click here to view the ABC report.

Following are some photos from the occasion.
